

Doreen’s passion is creating soul care experiences designed to cultivate wellness and wholehearted living. Trained in Holy Yoga™ with Janell Lanier and Mia Neuenhoff, Doreen specializes in meditation and spiritual disciplines, facilitating classes and workshops to create space for grace.

“In Christ we live, move & have our being.” 
— Acts 17:28

Connecting deeply with God’s Love through Breath-Work, Centering Prayer, Body Movement  and Scripture Meditation, this practice cultivates mystical Union with Christ. And, Christ in us produces Wellness, Wholeness, Peace & Joy. This is Spiritual Formation. This is Holy Yoga.

“For God alone my soul waits in silence.” 
— Psalm 62:5

Our bodies respond to the chemicals created by our thoughts. Thoughts produce emotions, and emotions affect our bio-energy on the quantum level. This quantum energy affects everything else. So, whatever thought patterns we have developed eventually shows up in our health, finances, and relationships.

“Finally grow powerful in union with the Lord, in union with his mighty strength.” 
— Ephesians 6:10

By allowing our heart and our brain to syncopate in a yoga and meditation practice, we create a state of coherence that activates our autonomic nervous system, shifting our body into a state of rest and repair. Becoming self-aware of our thoughts and rewiring our thinking patterns can be life-changing, by living from the inside out.

Practicing A Holistic Lifestyle Of Rest For Body, Mind, Soul & Spirit

So, kick off your shoes, and expect to be rejuvenated & empowered soaking in the Soul Spa!

To stay informed of the latest group classes & soul care experiences follow on FACEBOOK.
Try a FREE online class by requesting a live link below:

Connect by email to arrange a time tailored to fit your schedule.
The suggested donation for individual classes is $10 – $27 per class / per person.

To make yoga accessible for all, only pay as you are able, or pay it forward by paying for others who may not be able. Checks are also accepted.

Note: Nothing on this site should be seen as Individual medical advice.